presbyterian church

Children's Work
Try Praying
Covid-19 Crisis
Crèche & Sunday School
Sunday School has been back with Covid-19 restrictions having been eased. Our children join us for the first part of Sunday morning worship with Sunday School beginning around 12:00 noon. If you are visiting or need directions to the crèche, please feel free to ask one of our ushers on duty.
Tea & Coffee
Sunday Refreshments
Each week, after our Sunday morning worship, we invite you to join us for refreshments in our downstairs hall. This is a great opportunity to get to know one another more and extend our fellowship. If you will be visiting us we would be delighted if you could arrange to stay and meet with us.

Gathered Worship
With the easing of restrictions it is a relief for many that we are no-longer required to wear masks while seated in worship. You are not required to wear a mask, however, if you feel more comfortable doing so, please feel free to wear one. Hand sanitisers will continue to be provided in the lobby if you need them.
If you are a regular at First Monaghan, an occasional visitor, or may be even someone who is seeking to find out more about God, and the purpose of your life, we want you to know

Mid-Week Bible Studies in the Writings of John
Our mid-week Bible studies have finished for this season looking at John's Gospel. We will start again after the summer break when we will begin to look at John's letters to the Church.
It would be great if you would plan to join us for this time of fellowship and learning.

For any Christian, prayer must be central to all that we do. PCI has been developing a number of digital prayer journeys to help you to seek God on different aspects of Church life and in our own personal journeys as disciples of the Lord Jesus in Christ. To receive these short daily devotionals and prayer prompts to your mobile or tablet, just sign up, picking the journey you want to travel and the date you would like to start. Thank you.